Table of Contents
Enable XBRL Preview
The XBRL Preview of the tagger is a function used to check the report before submission, however, no editing takes place in the XBRL preview. It can be enabled by clicking Options -> Show XBRL Preview.
Once enabled it will be displayed as a new tab next to the Preview tab. Different components of the XBRL Preview will be presented; Presentation, Calculation and Table View.
In the Presentation tab you will see the taxonomy structure displayed in line with your tagging. All tags, including extensions, with chosen labels as well as XBRL Values and periods will be visible. The hierarchical strcuture will be based on the abstracts applied to the tables. It is important that the order of the tags follow the visual representation of your report, if the order is not correct you can adjust it according to the instructions on this page.
The defined totals are displayed under "Calculation". Under the columns "Weight" and "Balance" you will find further information about the stored Calculation. Please note that the value displayed is the XBRL Value (Parsed Value) which is not necessaily same as the calculated value, see this page for more information about calculations.
Table View
In this view the tables are displayed in XBRL format. To get the desired view, select the table from the drop-down menu.
For the Statement of Changes in Equity, the desired period needs to be selected as well.