How do I know if my installation is correct?
Once you have installed both Adobe InCopy/InDesign and Transfer Manager you can do a simple system check to make sure everything is installed properly and functional.
Start by downloading any document from CtrlPrint (make sure that InCopy/InDesign is not running the first time a file is downloaded).
If the Transfer Manager does not open after you have chosen to download a chapter, ensure that the Transfer Manager has been installed. You can test your installation of Transfer Manager by clicking on the link below (this test simply determines whether or not Transfer Manager is installed).
Click Here to Test CtrlPrint Transfer Manager Installation
If Transfer Manager is not installed use the installation link provided on the following pages:
Download Transfer Manager for Windows
Download Transfer Manager for Mac
If you receive a message in Transfer Manager that says, "Error: Failed to locate the application, or install plug-ins" please see the page here.
If you download a document and it opens and displays the message below, you have the incorrect version of CtrlPrint Transfer Manager installed. More information about this can be found on here.
How do I know if the CtrlPrint plug-ins are correctly installed?
Once InCopy/InDesign is done loading, and all of the menu items appear, check that there is a tab called "CtrlPrint" in the top right of the menu bar, next to "Help". If this tab appears then the plug-ins are installed properly.
If you do not have a document to download available, you can go to the page below to manually install our plug-ins:
Note that the plug-ins are automatically installed by Transfer Manager the first time a document is downloaded from the system. This menu will not be present before that has been done.
InCopy/InDesign should show a menu option called "CtrlPrint" after a document is downloaded from the system: