To uninstall the CtrlPrint plug-ins (and InCopy/InDesign) follow these steps:
On a Mac
- Delete the application called "CtrlPrint Transfer Manager" found in your applications folder. See image below.
- You should also delete the "Ctrl" folder which contains the files that you have downloaded using CtrlPrint as well as the plug-ins which are used with InCopy and InDesign.
You can use the “Go to Folder” option (under the “Go” menu in “Finder”) and enter ~/Library/Preferences/Ctrl
(Note that you should remove the whole folder called "Ctrl" and not just the folder it contains called "Temp" if you want to remove our plug-ins.)
- If you need to uninstall Adobe InCopy/Adobe InDesign you should use the "Uninstall" option found in the Creative Cloud desktop application. An uninstaller is also found in the folder which contains the application in your "Applications" folder.
- In addition to this, the WordExport Scripts stored in the preferences folder should also be removed. Paste the path string in Finder window:
~/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/
The destination will be a folder with versions of InCopy/InDesign. The CtrlPrint folder located in the Script folder is what should be deleted (as shown in the image below).
- In the Adobe folder there are also extensions associated with CtrlPrint that should be removed. You can find them if you follow the path below:
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
On a Windows PC
- Go to "Installed apps" in system settings. In "Installed apps", delete the application called "CtrlPrint Transfer Manager" by selecting the context menu (three dots) and "Uninstall".
- Delete plug-ins: After you have run the uninstaller you can delete the folder called "Ctrl" found in the following location:
C://Users/[USER]/AppData/Roaming/ - where USER is your account. See image below.
- To uninstall Adobe InCopy or Adobe InDesign please use Windows' built in software for removing applications. This can be found in the "Control Panel".
- In addition to this, the WordExport Scripts stored in the preferences folder should also be removed. To do so, follow the path below:
You can just go ahead and copy the string above and click on your Windows menu icon on your computer and then paste it there. The destination will take you to a folder with versions of InCopy/InDesign. The CtrlPrint folder located in the Script folder is what should be deleted (as shown in the example image below).
- In the Adobe folder there are also extensions associated with CtrlPrint that should be removed. You can find them if you follow the path below: