In the event that certain companies are not listed in the left column when you are logged in, this may be caused by one of the following reasons:
You are logged in only as a user and not as an Administrator, please see the Logging in as an Administrator page for further instructions.
- You must be granted Administrator access to the companies you will be working with. You are not automatically designated as an Administrator for projects/companies that you work on. It is only possible for you to become an Administrator once another designated Administrator also makes you an Administrator. For Administrators seeking to grant Administrator access to another user, please see Make Another User an Administrator.
For more information on fundamental aspects of effectively managing an account in CtrlPrint, please refer to our Admin Trail, which can assist you with cases like the above with video tutorials. Visit our Learning Hub for additional tutorials to help you expand your knowledge and improve your skills in the CtrlPrint platform, Adobe InCopy, ESEF and more.