When you have applied some tags to your report, you can click "Validate Document" in the Tagger top menu bar (video tutorial). This will show you any errors, information and warnings you should be aware of in your document. Common validation errors include Duplicate Mappings and Calculation errors.
Click here for a list of possible validation errors and their solutions.
Errors vs Information vs Warnings
There are three levels of validation errors you may see when you validate your document:
These are critical errors that mean you can not file this report as a valid ESEF report. These errors must be fixed. They are visually displayed in your table with a red triangle in the corner of the affected cells. These can only be Duplicate Mapping errors and Invalid Anchor errors:
- Click here for more information about Duplicate Mapping errors.
- Invalid Anchor errors are solved by adding an anchor to your extension.
These are things that do not necessarily have an impact on your final report. For example, calculation errors are only warnings. Additionally, you may see that some cells have the status Review Pending or In Edit. This refers to the cell status inside the Tagger and is not reflected in your final report. You can choose to change the cell status to Final or ignore the warning altogether.
A very common warning is Duplicate Label. Click here for more information about how to solve Duplicate Label errors.
These are issues you should be aware of but might not need fixing. For example, you may see that some cells are not involved in a calculation relationship or do not have a mapping. It is up to individual reporters to decide if those cells do in fact need to be edited in some way or whether this type of error can be ignored.
How to use validation reports to solve validation errors
To see a validation error report, click the validation status icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the application window and click Show all validation results.
There are several ways to use validation errors to solve validation errors:
- Double click the validation error to highlight the cell with the error in the table. If a second error window opens, double click the error to highlight the error in the table.
- You can export validation errors to an Excel file for easier viewing and sorting. Click the Excel logo in the bottom left-hand corner of the validation error window.
- You can export calculations into an Excel spreadsheet so you can more easily see the calculation data. This is very useful for resolving any calculation errors. Click Options from the Tagger top menu bar and select Calculation Report. Choose a location to save the Excel file.