Value: 13.8 |
The numerical value for the cell |
Taxonomy: ESEF |
The taxonomy the selected tag comes from. If you use an extension, the value will be your custom taxonomy and not ESEF. |
Fixed attributes |
These attributes cannot be changed and are specific to the selected tag. |
Label: Cost of sales |
The human readable label used as the row title in the table. |
Technical Name: CostOfSales |
The computer readable version of the human readable label. It is written with no spaces (camel case). |
Period type: duration |
The selected tag’s period (i.e. Duration or Instant). |
Data type: monetary |
The selected tag’s period (e.g. Monetary, Decimal, Share, String etc.). |
Balance: debit |
The selected tag’s natural balance (i.e. credit, debit or unknown). |
Reference: IAS 1 Para 99 and 103 |
The location of the selected tag’s definition. In this case it’s the International Accounting Standards (IAS), paragraphs 99 and 103. |
Documentation: The amount of costs relating... |
The selected tag’s definition (truncated here). |
Preparer-set attributes |
You can change these for each tag. These are initially defined in your default settings and will be automatically applied to each new tag. You can change these on a cell by cell basis using the Table Cell Properties tab in the Tagger. |
Scale: 6 |
The number of zeros added after a number. In this case, the number will be reported as 13.8 million as we have specified 6 zeros. If we chose 3 the number would be reported as 138,000. |
Decimal: -6 |
The way the number should be rounded, in this case, millions. This is automatically set to the same number as the chosen scale and usually only needs to be changed if a calculation is rounding incorrectly. |
Unit: SEK |
The currency the value is reported in. |
SignLogic: Always Positive |
Instructions for the tagger on how to handle negative numbers. The default value is Always Positive. Click here for more information on SignLogic. |
Contexts |
The information needed to fully identify a tag. |
Period: 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 |
The date period to which the tagged value applies. The tagger will automatically apply the correct year. |
Domain member: Taxonomy default |
The column the tag is in. In this case, the taxonomy defaults will be the Year and 2020. |
Entity ID: ABC123DEF456 |
The unique identity code of the reporting company. |