Changes to your chapters will be tracked regardless of whether or not TrackChanges is activated.
However, they will only be visible if TrackChanges is activated. TrackChanges is activated by your Company or Project Administrator.
The main changes that TrackChanges tracks is the changes made in text and numerical values in tables. It can not track changes in fonts, images, designs, styles, texts in grouped, anchored objects and changes within already tracked changes.
Text (and numeric value) changes will be indicated in red, by default.
- Underlined text indicates that text has been added.
- A triangle indicates where text has been deleted.
All changes made to a chapter are listed in the CtrlPrint TrackChanges panel in Adobe InCopy. You can accept/reject changes (if you have the correct permissions), toggle viewing options and filter which changes are showing in the chapter and PDF.
WARNING: TrackChanges will be hidden in Preview mode.
To display TrackChanges, click: View -> Screen Mode -> Normal from the InCopy top menu bar.
Show/hide TrackChanges
You can choose to hide TrackChanges if you do not want to see the markup in the chapter while you are working. All changes to your chapter will be tracked regardless of whether or not show/hide TrackChanges is toggled; they will simply not be indicated on the screen.
- Click CtrlPrint from the InCopy/InDesign top menu bar.
- If Show Tracked Changes is ticked, changes will be shown.
- If Show Tracked Changes is unticked, changes will be hidden until you enable the option again.