Only Administrators have the ability to unlock chapters which are locked by other users. This should be done sparingly and only in cases where the user who has the file locked has agreed to it.
Note: Once a chapter is unlocked the user will no longer be able to save any work they’ve done to the server. All users have the ability to unlock chapters which they themselves have checked out.
Method 1: Project section
- Click on the user’s company and project from the left-hand side navigation menu.
- Click the context menu on the right-hand side of the chapter name and click: "Unlock Chapter".
- Type UNLOCK in the window and click "Unlock".
Method 2: Chapter section
- Click on the user’s company, project and chapter from the left-hand side navigation menu.
- Click the Chapter Locked button and then click: "Locked chapter options".
- To unlock the document, type CANCEL in the window where asked and click "Cancel Editing and Unlock".