This is the start of tagging a financial table. A user needs to create at least 1 chapter version from InCopy or InDesign of the relevant chapter to open it in the Tagger.
- When the document opens in Tagger, click on the Preview Tab, then click on the drop down menu for Chapter and select the page with the first table on it.
- Then the user should double click on one of the line items or of the title of the table in the Tagger to bring up the blue dots. They should then be clicked and dragged so that the yellow highlighting covers the whole table. It is important that the user checks that all the text and values in the table are covered by the yellow.
The Tagger has a AI-powered feature that can help you selecting tables in PDF documents. Click the "Automatically select table area" button in the upper left corner and the table on the page will automatically be selected. If there are multiple tables, it will highlight all of them.
- Once the table is selected, the user can select the relevant Abstract for the table and then drag and drop it somewhere on the yellow highlighting. An Abstract is indicated by the chain link icon below in the taxonomy. As a general rule the first Abstract in the folder is the one to start with.