On occasion, a user will have a value in a footnote to the table or similar which needs to be tagged. This can be easily done via the steps below.
- Start by clicking on the Preview tab in the Tagger to bring up the PDF display of the chapter. Double click near the value that needs to be tagged and then use the blue dots to select the value.
- Click and drag a relevant line item tag from the taxonomy and drop it on the highlighted value.
- Then select the relevant Abstract for the value from the taxonomy and place it on the value that you just tagged. Please bear in mind that this must be carried out in this order, or the Tagger will parse the value as its own little table which will not be helpful in this instance. Abstracts are identified by the icon below.
Please note: If you apply a monetary tag without an abstract tag you will get a validation error saying DimensionallyInvalid - Tagging is dimensionally invalid.
By following above steps and adding an abstract tag to the line item tag this validation error will be resolved.