Use Spellcheck
You can check your spelling manually or have InCopy/InDesign check automatically.
- Click Edit->Spelling from the InCopy/InDesign top menu bar.
- Pick a spelling option:
• Check Spelling to start spellchecking your document.
• Dynamic Spelling to check spelling as you type.
• Autocorrect to toggle the auto correction.
Add/remove custom words
You can add words you use regularly but aren’t in the dictionary:
- Highlight the word you want to add to the dictionary.
- Click: Edit->Spelling->User Dictionary from the InCopy/InDesign top menu bar.
- Click: "Add".
- You can also type the word you want to add into the word field.
- To remove the word from your dictionary, select the word and click: "Remove".
Use Find/Change
- Click Edit->Find/Change from the InCopy/InDesign top menu bar.
- Type the word you want to find in the Find what field. You can also type the word you want to replace it with in the Change to field.
- Specify whether you want to search the whole document or just the text box that you are working in.
- Click: "Find Next" to go to the next match, Click: "Change" to make the change.