Tables and InCopy
Your design agency can create tables in InDesign that you can edit in InCopy.
WARNING: InCopy tables do not work like Excel spreadsheets. There is no maths functionality, formulae or autosum feature.
Any totals will not be updated if you change a number in the table.
Add rows and columns
- Right click on the cell where you want to add a new row or column.
- Click "Insert" and choose whether to add a row or a column.
- Select whether to insert the row above or below the selected row, or the column to the right or left of the select column.
Keyboard shortcuts
Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts:
- Click on the cell where you want to add a new row or column
- Press Ctrl+9 to add a row
Press Ctrl+Alt+9 to add a column.
CtrlPrint Integrate
Please note! If you use CtrlPrint Integrate, you should manage the table structure via the data source and not change it in InCopy/InDesign. If you use Integrate, the data source should be the ‘source of truth’ for how the table is structured. This means that if you delete a row in InCopy but not in the data source, the row will be returned the next time the data is updated via Integrate.