Before you start Text block tagging the notes you need to prepare the InDesign documents.
To be able to use the CtrlPrint Frames layer in the Tagger you need to split up the notes. You split up the notes in different stories in InDesign. A story is an individual text frame or set of threaded text frames within a document.
1 story per note (a story can consist of a set of threaded text frames). You can't have 2 or more notes in the same story in InDesign if you wish to be able to tag them separately.
Important note: Once the ESEF Reporting functionality has been activated, an InDesign user MUST create a new chapter version of the relevant chapters to make CtrlPrint Frames available in the Tagger.
Splitting up the notes
- 1 story per note
- Use one set of threaded text frames per note if possible. If you have several separated text frames in a note you need to apply the Text block tag several times in the tagger.
- No overlapping text frames
- No Grouped text frames
- No text frames outside the page/artboard that are threaded to text frames on the page/artboard
- Have at least 2 mm between tagged text frames
- A table should not be wider than the text frame
- Illustrations and graphs shall not be tagged
1 note per story
See this page for more information on how to thread Text Frames. When having multiple Text Frames on the same page it is important that they follow the correct reading order, see more information on this page.